Are you accomplished, smart, savvy, and successful?
Yet you’re also experiencing discontent
~ from gnawing irritations to full blown meltdowns ~
either inside yourself or your health
or in your outer world of work or relationships.
It’s time to Become Sovereign
the next step in your evolution.
Maybe everything appears to
be “great.”
You’ve accomplished what you set out to do. You’ve landed the position or created the business you aimed for. Or maybe you’ve married the person you desired and had the kids you’d planned on. You’ve even focused on your personal growth, learning much about your inner world and how to express your needs.
But somehow life feels, well, off.
You’re just not the happy woman you thought you’d be by this point.
Or maybe you’re already experiencing breakdowns.
The career isn’t working. Or the relationship is dissolving or has already ended. Or your body hurts and you’re feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.
What you once counted on now feels like quicksand.
Even though you’ve manifested expertly in the past, you’re now uncertain about which steps to take next.
And you’re realizing that your life really isn’t working.
Not the way you want it to. Not the way you can feel inside that it could be.
I want to let you know that the problem isn’t unique to you. That you didn’t do anything wrong. And that it’s not that you didn’t try hard enough, or that you aren’t smart or savvy enough.
The issue is much larger than you.
And yet you are experiencing it deeply in your own life.
We are living in an accelerated timeframe in which we are moving through many more experiences in one lifetime than our foremothers experienced in several. Compiled challenges, and with them rich opportunities.
Let’s step back for a moment and remember that as women we lost our sovereignty under patriarchy.
For thousands of years we were defined simply as a man’s daughter, sister, wife or mother. Our options were limited, our lives not our own. This legacy continues to haunt us, even though so much has changed.
Fortunately over the last 50 years we’ve been expanding our experience into every area of life, from education, to the worlds of work, sports, and politics. Whatever your experience has been, you’ve already been exploring vast possibilities unavailable to our foremothers. Together we are making new realities for ourselves and our daughters every day.
Yet as it turns out, you may not be truly happy with achieving success as defined in the terms defined by men in the past. I know I haven’t been.
We’ve been taking charge of our lives.
Yet we’ve still been doing that inside of
standards and aspirations defined by others.
We’ve done everything we thought we were supposed to do — gone to college, gotten a good position or created a business, produced great income, maybe married the man or woman of our dreams and had beautiful children.
But even with all this success,
something’s missing.
Inside we want something more ~ or something different.
Check for yourself. Are you longing for:
- Creative self expression, clear intuition, and manifesting power?
- Soul-nourishing relationships with intimates and partners in the world?
- A deep and satisfying sense of purpose, rightness, and contribution?
- Harmony and peace that only comes from true inner alignment
and integrity? - Plus the capacity to clear fear and confidently ride the waves of change and uncertainty?
If this speaks to you,
you’re longing to Become Sovereign.
Becoming Sovereign means being in command of your life from a place of inner truth and alignment ~ while also recognizing you are part of evolution unfolding.
This is not as simple as it might appear
But I am not going to tell you that if you just write affirmations, make vision boards, and get emotionally involved with your goals that you will create the soul-satisfying life you long for. It’s just not that simple.
My experience tells me that we live with mystery, in relation to both our own consciousness, and the larger forces of evolution affecting us all.
Becoming Sovereign is not just about being able to manifest what you want, although you’ll receive that as a benefit.
Becoming Sovereign liberates you from what you learned would bring you success and happiness, and guides you along your true soul’s path of growth and development.
Chances are that you’ve already been on your soul path to some degree — that’s why you’re here on this page. But as complex, confusing and challenging as life is today, you also feel uncertain and unclear.
Consciously moving along your soul path will bring you greater understanding, satisfaction, motivation and personal empowerment than anything else you’ve ever imagined.
The saying goes that
Spirit never gives
you more than
you can handle.
But that doesn’t mean
you need or should try
to handle it alone.
We are communal not solitary beings. As women we are deeply connected, as Alison Armstrong says: “like an aspen grove with individual trunks and one root system.” We need each other.
You’re looking for the understanding, support and guidance of a Wise Woman mentor who’s “the real deal” and who’s been where you’re at.
- Someone who has lived a full and complex life of self-made opportunities, many accomplishments, rich challenges, terrific breakdowns and profound breakthroughs.
- Someone who has taken plenty of risks and had them pay off, while also turning apparent failures into stepping stones to deeper truths and new definitions and experiences of success.
- Someone whose wisdom and confidence inspires relief, excitement and a kind of thank god/goddess
she’s here response.
If you feel I could be the mentor for you, then I would
love to speak with you and see if working together is a fit.
As your Soul Path Mentor, you can expect from me:
Receptive listening and compassionate witnessing so that you feel fully seen and heard on all levels.
Soul level guidance and insights that lie just beyond your awareness, but that become available to you once your realize them.
Support for moving beyond the limitations, resistances, fears and doubts that currently are orchestrating your experience from below the level of your consciousness.
Expert training and customized support, including specific practices, tools, and processes, so that your everyday experience aligns with your soul purpose, and you create the exact results you are looking for in
your life.
REALMS OF SOVEREIGNTY that our work together may include:
Discover Your Soul Signature
- Identify, acknowledge and appreciate your gifts and talents, the special and specific qualities you came in with from your Soul’s Journey, particularly those you may not fully see, know, understand or embrace and therefore under-value
- Elevate your inner perception by embracing your gifts and talents, skills, and rich life experiences
- Establish greater self value, credibility, authority, and knowing by identifying, acknowledging and appreciating your level of development and multiple intelligences
- Anchor your next steps in greater clarity about your true value and a more accurate self perception
- Redesign or upgrade your work in the world to align more closely with your Soul Signature and your Soul Purpose
Discover Your Soul Signature
- Identify, acknowledge and appreciate your gifts and talents, the special and specific qualities you came in with from your Soul’s Journey, particularly those you may not fully see, know, understand or embrace and therefore under-value
- Elevate your inner perception by embracing your gifts and talents, skills, and rich life experiences
- Establish greater self value, credibility, authority, and knowing by identifying, acknowledging and appreciating your level of development and multiple intelligences
- Anchor your next steps in greater clarity about your true value and a more accurate self perception
- Redesign or upgrade your work in the world to align more closely with your Soul Signature and your Soul Purpose
Explore and Align
Your Inner Landscape
- Dive deep inside yourself with Clarity Breathwork®, discover and re-evaluate old agreements and contracts, release stuck emotions and stagnant energy, open your heart and experience yourself as an aspect of Source.
- Understand, work with, and harmonize the different parts of yourself whose power struggles have been draining your energy, confusing your thoughts, stimulating negative emotions and undermining your actions.
- Develop functional, effective and harmonious relationships with your “sub-personalities” or “parts” so that you can move forward with greater clarity, ease, and alignment.
- End unconscious self sabotage, unravel relationship difficulties, allow in greater prosperity and abundance, experience more joy and ease.
Love Your Body and
Come Fully into Now
- Come down from the “thinking tower” to access and relish the wisdom, joy and pleasure available to you in your body. End patterns of disassociating created during times of stress, trauma and/or mental activity. Become fully present by coming more fully into your body.
- Learn to “shift your state” so that you have greater command over how you feel, and not be so easily thrown off by turbulent emotions, get out of touch with your feelings, or unwittingly shut yourself down.
- Feel energetic everyday all day long by slowing down the physical aging process and nourishing your body with optimal nutrition, pleasing movement, and deep, restful sleep.
- Establish a nurturing and blissful relationship with your body, honoring your form as your holy temple and vital vehicle for this lifetime.
- Discover how to “turn yourself back into a woman” at the end of a work day when you’ve been running your masculine energy in order to strategize, negotiate and accomplish.
- Become radiant and magnetic to what you truly desire, not what you were conditioned to want, making manifesting easier and more graceful.
Deepen Your Intuition and
Connect with Source
- Name, embrace, and develop your intuitive gifts and psychic capacities regardless of the level you are currently at.
- Establish or deepen your connection with your guides, angels, and/or ancestors through proven practices, learning to channel their wisdom and guidance.
- Know the difference between genuine spiritual guidance and your conditioning telling you what to do out of fear, doubt or worry.
- End mental paralysis and the need to control, instead making empowered decisions based on your inner knowing.
- Discover how to rely on spiritual guidance when outer circumstances become confusing, challenging, or painful.
- Master riding the waves of change with greater inner calm and outward certainty.
Declare Yourself and
Create Your Code
- Unravel and free yourself from the legacy of patriarchy hiding in your inner landscape and self-concept, and in how you relate to others and the world around you.
- Build your capacities in the intelligences of your choice, extending your gifts and talents into true mastery in one or more areas.
- Discover how to develop yourself spiritually along your soul path by embracing multiple perspectives simultaneously.
- Learn to access multiple dimensions so that you become more at choice about your experience of reality.
- Write or record your personal declaration of what you know to be true about you, about life, about relationships or work, about what you most care about as a new standard for your way of being in the world.
- Develop your own Code of Life regarding relationships, behavior, work in the world, health and healing, and your relationship to the earth
- Experience clarity and inner peace based in expansive knowledge and understanding, integrity with your inner being and with Source.
Maggie Ostara, PhD. ~ My Story
Curious? Then I invite you to read my story. Yes, it’s a bit longer than usual ~ and that’s so you can get an inside view of the depth and breadth of what I have to offer you.
My life has been rich, varied, purposeful, playful and joyful. At times confusing and fairly often challenging. I have not settled for good enough, making my soul path (once I got what that was!) and personal evolution my priority.
I’ve been captivated by “consciousness” from an early age. I grew up in a predominantly African-American neighborhood during the Civil Rights era, so perspectives outside that of mainstream America were not new to me. As a teenager, “Consciousness raising” became a regular practice in my home as my mother (pictured above with my brother and to the right speaking at a NOW Conference) moved from being a 50s style stay-at-home mom to a radical feminist during the 1970s.
I entered adulthood steeped in social justice and political activism, and in graduate school chose to focus on African American studies and women’s and gender studies. My intention was to further question the assumptions of patriarchal scholarship that had marginalized women and people of color, and to make visible movements for freedom that had not been acknowledged previously.
When I was 33, I completed my PhD, and was hired out of graduate school to set up and to be the Director of the Undergraduate Women’s and Gender Studies Program at Columbia University in New York.
During the 1990s, I was a rising academic star with multiple important publications. I had a book coming out when I decided it was time to leave academe because I felt like I was dying inside. At the time, I didn’t really understand why — I just knew I had to leave. Looking back, I realize I had reached the limit of social justice consciousness and its “fight against” attitude.
During my last year at Columbia, I turned in another direction. My body, my energy and indeed my whole perspective on life had shifted by changing what I eat! So I decided to study food and healing, doing two years of study in 9 months with Joshua Rosenthal, the man who later founded the internationally renowned Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
I thought nutritional counseling would be my next step, but instead I discovered and partnered with a leading-edge network marketing company in the health and wellness industry. I was captivated by two ideas I learned in this new environment. One was residual income (who knew!), and the other was the metaphysical understanding that we create our own reality with what we focus on. This idea challenged my social justice orientation to life, and turned my world upside down.
Once I grasped it, I very successfully used the tools of visioning and affirmations to build my business. I was rewarded by doubling my income from Columbia in 15 months. Now that caught my attention, and that experience definitely sparked my entrepreneurial spirit!
Around this time I discovered the conscious dance movement, and started dancing 2-3 times a week. I had danced a lot in college and taught dance aerobics in graduate school. I was delighted to discover ways in which movement was being used as a spiritual practice. Movement-oriented somatic practices enabled me to balance out my overly developed analytical brain with embodiment skills that I continue to use today. I also was fortunate enough to fall in love with a fellow dancer, get married and have a beautiful baby girl at the age of 42.
My passion for spiritual growth also led me into Clarity Breathwork(R), which transformed me deeply from the inside out. With the breath I rooted out core limiting beliefs, released past life trauma, and connected with guides and angelic beings, as well as with my own inner being. I quickly became a Clarity Breathwork practitioner and soon joined my mentors as a trainer, bringing to the professional training program my skills with curriculum development and somatics.
In my pursuit of higher consciousness, I also began to study the corpus of advanced meditation work called “Awakening Your Light Body”. I was so taken with it that within a year I became a teacher of the work. I discovered how to build my body of light, create with energy, and transmit high vibrational states to myself, my students, and the world around me. For a number of years I worked with breathwork clients, helped train breathworkers, and practiced and taught advanced meditation skills. Eventually I knew it was time to move on, but I was unclear of the direction.
Then my husband lost his major client in 2009, and we lost his income overnight. In response to this crisis, I jumped started a business coaching business which I had been considering. I had been good at business ever since my network marketing days, and this felt like the right next step as I was able to bring together so many of the skills I’d developed over the years, and I was able to support people like myself who were dedicated to healing and spiritual growth. Within a year I had created over $200,000 in revenue, and shortly thereafter I developed a half-million-dollar-a-year business with hundreds of clients, mostly in the healing arts, with an international reach.
Yet in 2015 I walked away from that business when I realized that not only was I getting burned out and disillusioned — despite my apparent success — so was my family. The experience of rapid growth and burnout contributed to the dissolution of my marriage and the reconfiguration of my family. Fortunately we’ve recovered, and my former husband and I are cooperatively co-parenting our beautiful teenage daughter.
Since then I’ve been in deep conversation with myself about
my life experiences.
In reviewing my past, I’ve noted the times I took on and manifested other people’s versions of success, even though I thought I was creating what I wanted (sigh). I also acknowledge the times I waited too long, refusing the change before me, and life crumbled underneath me like quicksand. Finally I see the places where I moved on in an empowered way once I had learned what I needed to learn from the experience.
Through all of this, my focus has been on identifying and following my soul path.
I have been consistently passionate about developing new skills, shifting my perspective as needed, and being willing to do the inner work required to meet the challenges I’ve experienced.
I voraciously learn and consistently apply what I learn to my experience of daily life. As a result, I’ve become a master of change, moving through several lifetimes of experience in this one life. People who know me well often remark upon the depth and breadth of my experience, knowledge, and expertise.
I now feel a level of mastery with hearing and following my inner guidance, and riding the waves of change and uncertainty alongside discerning and creating my desires that only comes with years of purposeful and well-understood experience.
And I get that my journey is situated inside that of a larger journey of western women emerging from patriarchy and discovering what we really want and need. In turn that journey also lies inside an even larger journey of humanity evolving at this most critical on our planet, when our very survival as a species is at stake.
As I and each of us develop this new form of Sovereignty, we move out of power dynamics of domination and subordination, self judgment and self sacrifice, and harmful forms of competition. In their place, we foster creative, collaborative, and life-giving ways of being that are both new and ancient.
My intention is to continue Becoming Sovereign,
and supporting other women to do
the same, for myself, for all of us.
As you review your own life,
let me ask you:
How are you still living out other people’s version of success and accomplishment?
What empowered choices have you made and where have they led you?
What changes have you already made and which have you resisted or are
currently resisting? -
What are you longing for but aren’t sure
how to create?
Work with me, and watch as your outer world
reformulates itself around a new inner version of yourself.
If you’d like my help, I would love to support you.
Here are a few examples of the extraordinary results my clients
have experienced in our work together.
- A professor transitioned from her job inside the academy to begin her own mystery school, now serving thousands around the globe.
- An internationally renowned fitness professional completed a dysfunctional marriage, trained in a new modality to which I had introduced her, and created a freedom-based lifestyle in which she now travels regularly and lives where she will.
- A talented and highly experienced clairvoyant broke free of trading time for dollars, and learned to leverage her expertise for greater income with less time commitment.
- A much beloved teacher and healing practitioner moved away from offering work created by her mentors to developing her own business focused on supporting troubled couples with children to create peace, harmony, joy and pleasure in their families.
- A client worried about not being able to pay her mortgage attracted an elderly friend who paid it off for her. Really.
- A labor and delivery nurse met and married the man of her dreams after longing for a truly sympatico relationship.
What might be the extraordinary results you will experience?
If working with me feels like a yes! or even a strong maybe,
please reach out and we’ll have a conversation
to see if working together is a fit.
I look forward to hearing from you.